
June 29, 2011

different headers / footers in Word for different sections

I always forget this solution and spend at least a good 1/2 hour searching the Internet for it, so here it is.  Here’s how to create different headers for different sections of a Word document.  Theses instructions are modified from here: Add different headers and footers or page numbers in different parts

  1. Click on the Page Layout tab; in the Page Setup group, click Breaks. 
  2. Under Breaks,scroll down to Section Breaks, and choose Next Page. Page Setup group (Hint: this is not the same as just inserting a page break, by going to Breaks, you're also creating a section break that starts on the next page) here's the image: word - section on new page
  3. Now that you’ve created a section break that starts on a new page, it’s time to change the Header/Footer text to go with your new section.  Double click in the header or footer area (near the top or bottom of the page).  Doing this opens the Header and Footer toolbar. 
  4. On the Design, in the Navigation group, Link to Previous is selected by default.  Click on the box again turn off Link to Previous: word-header footer bar
  5. Now you can type in whatever text for that section you want.  For example, I usually change the header so it matches the chapter I’m writing; that way no matter where I am in a long document, I remember what section I’m supposed to be working on…
  6. To return to the body of your document, click Close Header and Footer on the Design tab (under Header & Footer Tools). Header and footer Close button
For special page numbering, please see adding a page number or for adding a header and footer with a page number.


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