
December 30, 2012

Writing Kit vs. Notebooks App

Now that I've started to blog directly from ipad, the two apps I'm playing with are Writing Kit and Notebooks.

Here's Writing Kit:

And here's Notebooks App:

In many ways, I realize that Writing Kit is much better for blogging largely because it handles images so well. In previous posts, I wrote about how I had finally figured out a [workflow for blogging posts with images using Notebooks]( In fact, it's much easier to insert images in Writing Kit because of the research tool. With the Research Tool, you can look for images and research without ever leaving the app. You can also select text and send to your chosen distraction free reader such as InstapaperReadability, or Pocket (formerly Read It Later).

Writing Kit also allows you to easily change the extension of a post from txt to md for example. Simply, click on the Export Icon and choose Change Extension. What this means is that if you use scriptogram, you'll be able to make a post quickly.

Writing Kit has many other features and is a pretty powerful app. That said, I think I'm quite attached to Notebooks and will very likely keep using it especially for longer writing. I like the organization, find it more comfortable to write in, and love that it has a desktop app.

Btw, to actually get what you wrote in Writing Kit into a blog post, just press the Preview button and copy and paste the formatted material into gmail. That's it!

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